FORMS | Purpose | Access providing authority | Download |
FORM 1 | New Employee Registration (This form required to be duly filled up and submitted by the prospective employees while reporting for duty on fresh appointment. The officer before whom the prospective employee reports for duty and the appointing authority required to counter sign the duly filled up form submitted by the prospective employee, After getting the form counter signed by the appointing authority the Subject Assistant will feed the data into SPARK and obtain Permanent Employee Number from the system and write down it in the box provided below for the purpose) | DDO/Head of the Department/Establishment User of the office | Download |
FORM 3 | Nomination /Change of Nomination of Drawing and Disbursing Officer( DDO)s/ Establishment Officers (To be furnished by the Head of Office to SPARK PMU/District Treasury | SPARK PMU office/ ‘U’ privilege users | Download |
FORM 5 | For Setting Controlling Officer in SPARK | SPARK PMU office/ ‘U’ privilege users | Download |
FORM 8 | Enrollment / nomination change of counter signing authority for aided institutions | SPARK PMU office/ ‘U’ privilege users | Download |
FORMAT 01 | New Office Installation in SPARK | SPARK PMU office/’U’ privilege users | Download |
FORM 6 | HRA Change Request | SPARK PMU office/’U’ privilege users | Download |
FORM 7 | Change DDO code/Dept code/Treasury code /Office name in SPARK | SPARK PMU/’U’ privilege users | Download |
FORM for setting as Sub office | Setting of an existing office in SPARK as sub office of another office | SPARK PMU office/’U’ privilege users | Download |
FORM SOP | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Establishing Connectivity between SPARK and other Software Applications of Government Departments / Agencies | Government Departments / Agencies | Download |
FORM for Assigning Nodal officer AEBAS | Nomination of Nodal Officers for the Implemention of AEBAS | SPARK PMU office | Download |