Well organized systems are in place for facilitating SPARK implementation, providing runtime support, obtaining user feedbacks, develop and update the software. Finance Department implements SPARK through the SPARK Project Management Unit (PMU) functioning under it.
Organisation Structure
The SPARK PMU is always very keen to extend its support to SPARK users in all departments as well as better the existing system based user feedback and its own in-house researches. The PMU provides remote and on-site supports through its well-trained Master Trainers (MTs), Department Master Trainers (DMTs) and the SPARK Help Desks at District Treasuries. SPARK also has a regional helpdesk in Kannur district to support the northern districts.Now let us see how various services are provided through SPARK Help Desks. Call, email, chat, direct visit to help desks and on-site support are the existing channels of support.
Call facility
Help through Telephone call is available on all working days from 9.30 am to 5.30 PM. The calls of SPARK users will be attended by a devoted team of experienced Master Trainers stationed at SPARK Project Management Unit. Apart from supporting the users in solving their issues, the Master Trainers also guide them through the best practices in using SPARK. When some issues cannot be solved through telephone call, the MTs obtain further details through email and provide necessary help. The help desk telephone number is (0471) 2579700
Perhaps, e-mail is the best option to forward applications, error reports, service requests that need supporting documents etc. E-mails have to be sent to info@spark.gov.in Department officials are advised to send email requests from their official email IDs. The messages should be crisp and clear with supporting documents. After examining the email and attached documents, our expert MTs would provide required support and reply the emails with status of the request. The sender shall also be contacted over phone for further clarifications if any required.
SPARK PMU offers “SPARK LIVE CHAT” option for the SPARK users. Through this chat option users can directly connect with SPARK PMU and can communicate their issues with our expert Chat operators. SPARK LIVE CHAT option is enabled at SPARK login page itself, users can easily get connected with SPARK chat operators. Employees can access the Chat session by entering Name of the employee, PEN and mobile number registered in SPARK. As per users’ feedback, SPARK LIVE CHAT is very effective.
Direct visit to PMU and the Help Desks in the Districts
In rare cases where detailed discussions are required with supporting documents, the official users can also visit the helpdesks at SPARK PMU, District Treasuries and Regional desk in Kannur. For effective and efficient solving of issues the processing officials themselves should visit the helpdesks with supporting documents. To avoid overcrowding, there is a token system on ‘first come first serve’ basis. However we encourage users to make use of the call, email and chat facility to avoid travels.
On-site support
During massive requirements of training in a single office in the event of opening new offices, general transfers etc wherein remote helpdesk support is found to be not sufficient, SPARK PMU sends Departmental Master Trainers to such offices to provide hands-on training.