While applying GPF admission message shown as “Inorder to complete the application of GPF Admission the pincode of office is needed by AG. Please get the office PIN Updated by SPARK PMU”.

  • Spark PMU
  • August 21, 2023
  • Comments Off on While applying GPF admission message shown as “Inorder to complete the application of GPF Admission the pincode of office is needed by AG. Please get the office PIN Updated by SPARK PMU”.

For updating the office address you are requested to please forward a signed official request letter through email to info@spark.gov.in from the DDO with Department name, District name, Office name (Same as in SPARK) and Office code along with Office address with Post office name, PIN Code and Land phone number. The office code can be taken from the menu ADMINISTRATION – CODE MASTERS – OFFICE though your login. Also please include the PEN of the DDO in your request letter.

Address of the office means Building name, number, Post office name, Street name, Land Mark etc.. and not the office name.