Online provision in SPARK for Submission of CTC/RTC of all Gazetted Officers with regard to their Promotion and Transfer ( as per GO.(P) No: 94/2022/Fin Dated 24-08-2022)

  • Spark PMU
  • July 29, 2023
  • Comments Off on Online provision in SPARK for Submission of CTC/RTC of all Gazetted Officers with regard to their Promotion and Transfer ( as per GO.(P) No: 94/2022/Fin Dated 24-08-2022)

1) There is no DDO in new office (joining office), the employee himself is the new DDO. How can one join into new office?

– •       The employee must submit joining CTC request through individual login, then join into new office using Service Matters —–>Take Charge of DDO option .Then contact HOD for forwarding Joining CTC to AG.



2)   I joined the new office through the menu ‘Take charge as DDO’ option. The joining CTC status is seen as pending by DDO, through which option the joining CTC can be forwarded to AG?


  • Please contact HOD for forwarding joining CTC to AG.






3) Mistakenly gave the incorrect “Joining/Relieving CTC” and the same was forwarded to AG. How to correct such details?


  • The DDO can cancel both relieving and joining CTC.




4) The TBHG/Ratio-based promotion was forwarded to AG incorrectly.  How to correct the same?


  • The TBHG /Ratio based promotion can be canceled through DDO login using the option Service Matters >> Promotion/Grade/Reversion >> Promotion order (Gazetted) >> Cancel Promotion Details (TBHG/Ratio-Based/Cap).


5)   While submitting the relieving request (for promotion/Transfer), the reporting officer’s name is not listed.

  • The HOD may update the controlling office for the said office then only the reporting officer’s name will be listed.

HOD may use the menu: Profile/Admin >> Update Immediate Controlling Office



6) While submitting the joining CTC, Correct date was entered during the same. But the next date is seen mistakenly updated in the “Present Salary details” of the employee.  correct date is seen in Joining CTC. Thereby AG is having an issue in forwarding the Payslip. How to correct Present Salary details as per Joining CTC?


  • The joining date will be corrected from SPARK PMU as per the authorized letter and copy of joining CTC to be submitted to SPARK PMU



7) Mistakenly entered incorrect office (abolished) in Promotion /Transfer order, and employee mistakenly ‘Submitted the Joining Request’, how to revert correct joining office details.



  • The joining request will be removed from SPARK PMU as per the authorized request letter. Afterwards, the DDO may cancel the relieving CTC. Then contact HOD for cancelling the incorrect order. Afterwards a fresh order can be prepared with correct details.



8) Employee has NGO to SDO Promotion/ transfer, how to forward the Joining CTC to AG’s.


  • No need to submit online joining CTC to AG. The user may use the option Service Matters >> Promotion/Grade/Reversion >> Enter Promotion Order Details ( Non Gazetted).



9) “Cancel CTC request “for Joining /Relieving has already been submitted, but data is still pending. How to resolve such cases?


  • The “Cancel CTC request“ is been forwarded to AG ,Once the cancellation procedure in AG is completed the “Pending status” of cancellation request will automatically change



10)  How to download the “joining/ relieving CTC” report document.


  • The employee can generate CTC details through individual option using the menu view relieving / Joining CTC status.


11) How can one confirm whether the CTC has been forwarded to AG?

  • The employee can view the CTC status in the employee’s individual login itself using the menu view relieving /Joining CTC status.


13) While selecting “Generate Promotion order” the desired Designation is not listed in the Designation list.


  • Please check whether the desired designation is available or not through the menu code masters—designation option. If the desired designation is not available, for such cases please contact SPARK PMU.



14) One’s designation is seen as mistake in the “Relieving request details” menu.  How to correct the current designation?


  • Reporting officer can REJECT the same and DDO can cancel the relieving CTC then contact HOD for cancelling the incorrect order.




15) While generating the promotion/transfer, multiple designations (with same name) are seen in new designations drop down list, How to identify correct desired Designation?


  • In the case of Promotion, the scale of pay also be there, if transfer, the designation with the existing scale of pay will only be listed


16) Employee re-joined after deputation from a NON-SPARK office to a SPARK implemented office. How to the transfer employee and submit CTC to AG’s.


  • No need to submit online CTC to AG. The employee details is to be included into new office using the option Service Matters >> Deputation >> Return from Deputation.