SPARK has enabled CTC APPLICATION AND UPDATION module for managing the leave procedure of State Gazetted government employees enrolled in SPARK system. Employees can apply different types of leave through on-line Leave Management Module. Leave sanctioning authority can approve that Leave. The DDO will sanction the leave application send by individual employee and it is to be forwarded through online to AG‘s system. Once the Leave approved or sanctioned from AG, subsequent intimation (Leave pay slip) will be available in DDO interface. And also AG will forward Pay slip to Employee’s and DDO’s KSEMP portal.
Submit leave Application
Employees can apply any type of leave through this on-line Leave Management Module. Here logging in to the system using user name and password is not required. Instead, mobile authentication is used, by using one time password (OTP). Employees having SPARK user privileges can apply leave online through their SPARK login account also.
In DDO login, it is available in the menu, Service matters →Leave application →Apply leave online (Figure 1).
(Figure 1)
In Individual login, it is available in the menu, Service matters → Leave application (Figure 2).
(Figure 2)
Any employees who have been enrolled in SPARK system (having PEN) can apply leave online through the link Online ‘Leave Management system’ proffered at the SPARK login page. On clicking the option, system will display a window showing the fields PEN and mobile number (Figure 3). Enter PEN and mobile number which is registered in SPARK and Click on ‘Go’ button (If the mobile number registered in SPARK is not correct , then the same may be done through the respective establishments).
In SPARK Home page
(Figure 3)
Approve leave Application
The reporting officer can forward the leave application to recommending officer. On recommendation of the leave, the same can either be approved or rejected by the leave approving authority. Before forwarding the reporting officer himself can also reject the leave application. The reporting officer and leave approving authority can also be same (Figure 4 & 5).
Leave can be approved through the menu, Service matters → Leave/COFF/OD Processing → Leave Approval
(Figure 4)
(Figure 5)
Generate Leave Memorandum
DDO can generate Leave memorandum of sanctioned Leave. DSC is made mandatory for generating Leave memorandum.
(Figure 6)
(Figure 7)
Approve and Forward CTC to AG
SPARK shall provide facility for DDO’s to submit and forward leave details and CTC to AG. DDO can forward CTC to AG with Digital signature. Please go through the menu, Service matters → Leave/COFF/OD Processing → Update CTC
(Figure 8)
On clicking this option List of applications for updating CTC option, sanctioned and forwarded Leave details will be displayed. Select Details of officer taking over charge option (Figure 9)
(Figure 9)
There are two options in the updating CTC and they are ‘Approve and forward leave details to AG’ and ‘Approve and forward CTC details to AG’. Firstly click Approve and forward leave details to AG option, then Approve and forward CTC details to AG’ for forward CTC to AG’s Office.
(Figure 10)
Approve and Forward CTC to AG
If the leave is approved or sanctioned from AG, then the Leave pay slip will be available in DDO interface. Leave salary will be generated by the DDO’s through SPARK only based on this online Leave slip issued by the Principal Accountant General.
(Figure 11)